Saturday, August 6th, 2011
Congratulations goes to Bindy on winning the Cecilio Black Metallic Silent Violin.I received this email from Bindy (Pikachu) shortly after the drawing:
Hi Pierre! Thank you for the opportunity and your wonderful site. The community you’re building is fantastic. I learn something new on every visit. I’m super excited to have won the violin! I usually have such bad luck with these things.I’ve been playing violin since this March and picked it up because I needed a creative outlet. I’m really bad, so I’ll be using the junk out of my headphones so I can practice without waking people up. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but couldn’t due to financial constraints and studies. Now that I’m out of school I can finally pursue it! I’m going to try and learn Spring on it first, simply because I got hooked after seeing someone play it with an electric violin on a J-drama. Then I can rock out with BURNING PASSION!Bindy S.
READ MORE via Congratulations Pikachu on winning the Cecilio Black Metallic Silent Black Violin | Fiddlerman.